Seamus White is a Graphic Designer currently studying in Brighton. Seamus tells Kollektiv, “My work tends to be about mixing the digital and physical world and finding news ways of crafting experience. I really enjoyed the picture interview, it was a challenging way of working with the limitation of each answer being just one image, but a lot of fun. The questions also made me think a lot about my life, it actually inspired an impulsive trip to Berlin with no camera!”
Do you ever feel like you’re in a flow state?
What’s the biggest risk you’ve taken?
Tell us about your ancestry.
Is social media creating a selfish generation?
Where else do you want to live?
Would you like to be immortal?
Where are you in the moment between asleep and awake?
Please create a portrait of me.
If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do?
Where can we find more of your work?