#96 Jacob Myrick

Jacob Myrick is an Illustrator based in Durham, North Carolina, USA. He tells Kollektiv, “I work very traditionally. Almost all of my work starts with some good old india ink and a dip pen. I love lines, a lot. My work is a bit “inky”. I work with a lot of themes but I would say that most of my work deals with a slightly surreal take on life. Doing the interview was an absolute blast. I think working under constraints allows for the most creativity and answering these questions definitely provided that.”


Do you ever feel like you’re in a flow state?

Jacob Myrick Picture Interview Kollektiv Gallery


What’s the biggest risk you’ve taken?

Jacob Myrick Picture Interview Kollektiv Gallery

Tell us about your ancestry.

Jacob Myrick Picture Interview Kollektiv Gallery

Is social media creating a selfish generation?

Jacob Myrick Picture Interview Kollektiv Gallery

Where else do you want to live?

Jacob Myrick Picture Interview Kollektiv Gallery

Would you like to be immortal?

Jacob Myrick Picture Interview Kollektiv Gallery

Where are you in the moment between asleep and awake?

Jacob Myrick Picture Interview Kollektiv Gallery

Please create a portrait of me.

Jacob Myrick Picture Interview Kollektiv Gallery

If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do?

Jacob Myrick Picture Interview Kollektiv Gallery

Where can we find more of your work.

Jacob Myrick Picture Interview Kollektiv Gallery

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