#2 Adam Moore


What does your colour pallet indicate about you as an illustrator?Adam Moore - Picture Interview - Kollektiv Gallery 


If your illustrations came with background music, what type of music would be playing?
Adam Moore - Picture Interview - Kollektiv Gallery


Who or what inspires your cool and stupefied characters?Adam Moore - Picture Interview - Kollektiv Gallery



The scenarios you set up seem innocent, when we look closer there is a darker appeal.
Draw us what is really on your mind?

Adam Moore - Picture Interview - Kollektiv Gallery



 Show me what your brain looks like on a rainy day.

Adam Moore - Picture Interview - Kollektiv Gallery



Please sum up your illustrative process in 2 and a half drawings.

Adam Moore - Picture Interview - Kollektiv Gallery


If you were to create a 200 page comic book, what would the name of the comic be?Adam Moore - Picture Interview - Kollektiv Gallery



 What does the future hold for Adam Moore’s illustrations?Adam Moore - Picture Interview - Kollektiv Gallery



Please do a what-ever-you-like portrait of me.Adam Moore - Picture Interview - Kollektiv Gallery



Where can we find you and your work?

Adam Moore - Picture Interview - Kollektiv Gallery

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